Maruzen Omoto Fountain Pen

    - Vintage Omoto Ink Stop Type Fountain Pen  丸善製オノト万年筆-

   In 1907, Maruzen, one of the most famous books and stationary store in Japan, became a sales agency of De La Rue plc, the England company in Japan. The Maruzen company began to import De La Rue's fountain pen line of products of which De La Rue plc had a great pride. They were still now famous "Onoto" fountain pens.
  Onoto fountain pens had an established reputation that they had well ink flow and easy to write. The world famous writer, Soseki Natsume loved the Omoto fountain pen and used it when he wrote manuscripts of his works.

  My master of Japanese calligraphy wrote this for me. It's framed and on the wall. - 森与兵衛 - 書 ONOTO14.jpg

 You can find that he wrote about his fountain pen in the work, " I and Fountain pen." He wrote how fine and beautifully easy to write the pen was.

   One day in late 1980's, my master of a famous Japanese calligraphy, Mr.Yohei Mori took me to the Maruzen to see the fountain pens exhibition together held there. Coincidently, my master and i both were held spellbound at the Omoto fountain pens because of their retro moods, shapes, and the prices. My master bought the thicker one and I bought a little slim one. Since then, the both of us used almost the same shape of Omoto fountain pens.

 Since I got this pen, I've been using it but there is no malfunction nor only a little crash. I"ll like it all along in my life.

    - インク止め式 -

  収納時は尻軸のネジを締めおく。(写真上)使用時はネジを緩める。(写真下) ONOTO11.jpg

ONOTO12.jpg  明治40年(1907年)、丸善はイギリスのデ・ラ・ルー社の日本代理店となり、デ・ラ・ルー社の誇る万年筆の逸品「オノト万年筆」を輸入・販売を始めた。オノト万年筆は書きやすさと、インクの出具合の良さに定評があり、夏目漱石や北原白秋などの明治・大正の文豪に愛用された。漱石の随筆、「余と万年筆」にオノト万年筆の記述があり、その良さに触れている。



  与謝野晶子の歌  「冬の夜も うすくれなゐの紙のはし 散れる灯かげは心ときめく」

■ ペン先 : 14金 /  文字幅 : 中字
■ 機構  : インク止め式・アイドラッパー補充式 / キャップタイプ : ネジ式
■ 仕様  : ボディ・キャップ・ピストン部、全エボナイト製
■ 長さ  : 140mm(収納時) /  約172mm(筆記時)  軸径:約10mmφ
■ キャップ径 :約10mmφ 
■ 重さ  : 約16g

