LAMY Studio Imperial Blue Fountain pen

    - Another Excellent Work of "Lamy" -

 I always enjoyed this design and I still think it's great and fairly unique.  The pen was designed by Hannes Wettstein.  Let me share my experience with the pen with you.
 Lamy Studio comes in a nicely designed cardboard box, that is nice and elegant.  It can be bought in few finishes but I find blue one most appealing.  The pen itself looks sleek - torpedo shaped, with blue-lacquered barrel with slight tapers on each end with a chrome clip, grip, and end caps.  The grip is super glossy and it collects fingerprints too easily.
 There's also the clip. Yes, the clip.  How to describe it without using wow too much?  The paddle design is unique even among Lamy's other offerings. The propeller-shaped clip accents the pen's shapely form.  It turns in on itself and is more reminiscent of a modern piece of sculpture than a conventional pen clip.  To me it's this element that makes Lamy Studio a complete eyecatcher which pleasantly does not fit into any rigid design category.

 The EF nib is not quite as smooth as the EF on my Safari, but I'm sure with a little "breaking in," it'll get there.
 I really like the feel of this pen.  The weight is there, but it's comfortable. The grip is a bit slick, but I can hold onto it fine. It feels very "right" in my hand.
 And holy wow, it is gorgeous. Exactly the color I was hoping for - a nice, deep, dark navy.
 The clip looks interesting.  I haven't really used it yet, but testing with a fingernail, it's tight, and I don't expect it to get loose.

 Testing the new pen is a good excuse to test my new 1.1mm nib, as well! This is fun.  I don't have much any experience with stub nibs, but generally I'd have to say I like it!
 Overall, I am giving this pen a solid 10/10.  I think I have a new favorite!
 Like I said in the review, it's a gorgeous pen.  The color is simply to die for, and it goes so very well with the Lamy blue that I used to write Japanese calligraphy below, which is my favourite ink.

    - 利便性と機能美" -

 ラミー・ステュディオの良さは、パラデュウム・コートですでに体験していた。重さと形のバランスがよく、殊にグリップの太さが良い。  しかし、残念なことに、パラデュウム・コートの方は筆記時に手が滑る。ペン先は金が良いと思って買ってはみた。やはりこのペンをもう一本、滑ら ない方ものをと思って、このインペリアル・ブルーを買った。こちらは滑らない。デザイン製もこの色のおかげでグンと上がったと思う。

  樋口一葉 「ひたすらに 厭(いと)ひは果てじ名取川 なき名も恋のうちにぞありける」 LamyStudio.jpg


 持ち歩くペンの数は知れているが、このペンは買った時以来、持ち歩いている。先に買ったパラデュウム・コートにはブルーブラックを入れて自宅に置いておき、このインペリアルブルーは、ラミーブルーを入れてペンケースに入れている。  繰り返すことになるが、この形と重さ、描き心地の良さ、そして何よりキャップが嵌合式でありサッと出して書けるのは、とても持ち歩くのに都合が良い。私は、これをラミー2000に次ぐラミー社の傑作だと思っている。

      LAMY Studio Imperial Blue Fountain pen

■ ペン先 : スチールペン先 /  文字幅 : EF
■ 機構  : カートリッジ/コンバーター両用式 / キャップタイプ
■ 仕様  : ボディー = ラッカー仕上げステンレス / キャップ = クローム仕上げステンレス
■ 長さ  : 約140mm(収納時) /  約/156mm(筆記時)  軸径最大:約12.6mmφ
■ キャップ径 : 最大:約12.6mmφ (クリップを除く)
■ 重さ  : 約31g

